Window restrictors for schools, colleges and universities

The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) issued a safety warning back in March 2012, highlighting the potential danger of poorly maintained window side stays. This now sits alongside advice which recommends windows on upper floors should not open past 100mm. The danger presented by upper floor windows forms a part of the HSE checklist for classrooms. As such education campuses need to ensure they are adhering to rules around their safety and security.
With the primary aim of restricting a windows opening being to provide a safer environment, we recommend sourcing appropriate restrictors for 1st floor windows or higher.
Being Compliant
To comply with current advice schools, colleges and universities, will need to be aware of a couple of points to ensure they purchase the correct type of window restrictor. Furthermore it is likely that different campus buildings, or even different building wings, could be fitted with a different style of window. Therefore, it is advisable to take an inventory of the campuses windows to ensure the correct quantities and matching products are sourced.
Firstly it is important to note the type of windows you have. The two types of window you will likely come across are:
A Universal Solution
The Jackloc is the most versatile window restrictor on the market. It has a high security cable with a key locking body. This prevents anyone from being able to unlock the restrictor once it is engaged. Furthermore a security screw is fitted, stopping people from removing the lock body. Overall we believe this is going to be the best fit for the majority of campuses.

These locks are stocked and dispatched within 1 working day of your order. We are also able to supply these on account and can invoice if provided with a completed purchase order.
Alternative restrictors are discussed on a case by case basis below.
Casement Windows

These windows are hinge opening and available in metal, wood or UPVC. Modern versions will often have restrictors fitted as standard, especially UPVC versions. However, there are alot of campuses which will not have modern windows so a suitable restrictor will have to be fitted.
Wooden Casement Windows
ERA Safety Locking Restrictor - 723 - BS EN 13126-5

UPVC Casement Windows

Sash Windows

Sash windows slide open, generally using counter weights. Their are a few options available to restrict them depending on the material the window is constructed from.
Metal Sash Windows

Wooden Sash Windows

UPVC Sash Windows
We don't sell a restrictor specifically for UPVC sash windows. Our recommendation is the Jackloc discussed above.